3. Input files

3.1. Configuration files

The configuration of an RH 1.5D is made primarily through several text files that reside in the run directory. The main file is keyword.input. All the other files and their locations are specified in keyword.input. The source tree contains a sample rh/rh15d/run/ directory with the following typically used configuration files:

File Description
atoms.input Lists the atom files to be used
keyword.input Main configuration file
kurucz.input Contains list of line lists to be used
molecules.input Lists the molecule files to be used
ray.input Selects output mu and wavelengths for detailed output

The kurucz.input and the molecules.input files are identical under RH, so we refer to the RH manual for more information about them. Most of the other files behave very similarly in RH and RH 1.5D, with a few differences.

The atoms.input file is identical in RH, but it can also have a new starting solution, ESCAPE_PROBABILITY.

The keyword.input file functions in very much the same manner under RH and RH 1.5D. The main difference is that there are new options for the 1.5D version, and some options should not be used.

The new keyword.input options for the 1.5D version are:

Name Default value Description
SNAPSHOT 0 Snapshot index from the atmosphere file.
X_START | 0 Starting column in the x direction. If < 0, will be set to 0.
X_END | -1

Ending column in the x direction. If <= 0, will be set to NX in the atmosphere file.
X_STEP 1 How many columns to sample in the y direction. If < 1, will be set to 1.
Y_START 0 Starting column in the y direction. If < 0, will be set to 0.
Y_END -1 Ending column in the y direction. If <= 0, will be set to NY in the atmosphere file.
Y_STEP 1 How many columns to sample in the y direction. If < 1, will be set to 1.
15D_WRITE_POPS FALSE If TRUE, will write the level populations (including LTE) for each active atom to output_aux.hdf5.
15D_WRITE_RRATES FALSE If TRUE, will write the radiative rates (lines and continua) for each active atom to output_aux.hdf5.
15D_WRITE_TAU1 FALSE If TRUE, will write the height of tau=1 to output_ray.hdf5, for all wavelengths (this takes up as much space as the intensity).
15D_RERUN FALSE If TRUE, will rerun for non-converged columns.
15D_DEPTH_ZCUT TRUE If TRUE, will perform a cut in z for points above a threshold temperature
15D_TMAX_CUT -1 Threshold temperature (in K) over which the above depth cut ids made. If < 0, no temperature cut will be made.
15D_DEPTH_REFINE FALSE If TRUE, will perform an optimisation of the depth scale, based on optical depth, density and temperature gradients.
BACKGR_IN_MEM FALSE If TRUE, will keep background opacity coefficients in memory instead of scratch files on disk.
COLLRAD_SWITCH 0.0 Defines if collisional radiative switching is on. If < 0, switching parameter is constant (and equal to COLLRAD_SWITCH_INI). If = 0, no collisional radiative switching. If > 0, collisional radiative switching decreases by COLLRAD_SWITCH per log decade, starting with COLLRAD_SWITCH_INI.
COLLRAD_SWITCH_INIT 1.0 Initial increment for collisional-radiative switching
LIMIT_MEMORY FALSE If TRUE, will not keep several large arrays in memory but rather save them to scratch files. Not recommended unless memory usage is critical.
N_PESC_ITER 3 Number of escape probability iterations, if any atoms have it as initial solution.
PRD_SWITCH 0.0 If > 0, the PRD effects will be added gradually, converging to the full PRD solution in 1/sqrt(PRD_SWITCH) iterations.
PRDH_LIMIT_MEM FALSE If TRUE and using PRD_ANGLE_APPROX, will not keep in memory quantities necessary to calculate the current PRD weights, but rather calculate them again. Will affect the performance, so should be used only when necessary.
S_INTERPOLATION LINEAR Type of source function interpolation to use in formal solver. Can be LINEAR, BEZIER, BEZIER3 or CUBIC_HERMITE.
S_INTERPOLATION_STOKES DELO_PARABOLIC Type of source function interpolation to use in formal solver for polarised cases. Can be DELO_PARABOLIC or DELO_BEZIER3 following [1] .
VTURB_MULTIPLIER 1.0 Atmospheric vturb will be multiplied by this value
VTURB_ADD 0.0 Value to be added to atmospheric vturb
[1]de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.; Piskunov, N. 2013, ApJ, 764, 33, ADS link.

The X_START, X_END, and X_STEP keywords (and the equivalent for the y direction) define which columns of the atmosphere file are going to be run. They can be used to calculate only a specific region. RH 1.5D chooses the columns to calculate using the (start, end, step) parameters as in the range() function in Python: the result is [start, start + step, start + 2 * step, ...]. The last element is the largest start + i * step less than end. This means that the numbers given by X_END and Y_END are not inclusive (e.g. if nx = 50 and X_END = 49, the column with the index 49 will not be calculated). One must set X_END = nx to calculate all the columns.

The following options have a different meaning under RH 1.5D:

Name Default value Description
PRD_ANGLE_DEP PRD_ANGLE_INDEP This keyword is no longer boolean. To accommodate for new options, it now takes the values PRD_ANGLE_INDEP for angle-independent PRD, PRD_ANGLE_DEP for angle-dependent PRD, and PRD_ANGLE_APPROX for the approximate angle-dependent scheme of Leenaarts et al. (2012) [2] .
BACKGROUND_FILE   This keyword is no longer the name of the background file, but the prefix of the background files. There will be one file per process, and the filenames are this prefix plus _i.dat, where i is the process number.
STOKES_INPUT   This option is not used in RH 1.5D because the magnetic fields are now written to the atmosphere file. However, it must be set to any string if one is using any STOKES_MODE other than NO_STOKES (RH won’t read B otherwise).
[2]Leenaarts, J., Pereira, T. M. D., & Uitenbroek, H. 2012, A&A, 543, A109, ADS link.

And the following options are valid for RH but may not work with RH 1.5D:

Name Default value Description
LIMIT_MEMORY FALSE This option has not been tested and may not work well with RH 1.5D.
PRINT_CPU FALSE This option does not work with RH 1.5D and should always be FALSE.
N_THREADS 0 Thread parallelism will not work with RH 1.5D. This option should always be 0 or 1.

The ray.input has the same structure in RH1D and RH 1.5D. In RH it is used as input for the solveray program, but in RH 1.5D it is used for the main program. It should contain the following:


The first line is the mu angle for the output ray, and it should always be 1.00. The second line is Nsource, the number of wavelengths for which detailed output (typically source function, opacity, and emissivities) will be written. If Nsource > 0, it should be followed in the same line by the indices of the wavelengths (e.g. 0 2 10 20).

3.2. Atom and molecule files

The atom and molecule files have the same format as in RH. In the rh/Atoms and rh/Molecules directories there are a few sample files. They are read by the procedures in readatom.c and readmolecule.c. The atom files have the following basic structure:

Input Format
ID (A2). Two-character atom identifier.
Nlevel Nline Ncont Nfixed (4I). Number of levels, lines, continua, and fixed radiation temperature transitions.
level_entries Nlevel * (2F, A20, I)
line entries Nline * (2I, F, A, I, A, 2F, A, 6F)
continuum_entries Ncont * (I, I, F, I, A, F)
fixed_entries Ncont * (2I, 2F, A)

3.3. Atmosphere files

The atmosphere files for RH 1.5D are a significant departure from RH. They are written in the flexible and self-describing HDF5 format. They can be written with any version, except the 1.10.x development branch.

The atmosphere files contain all the atmospheric variables necessary for RH 1.5D, and they may contain one or more simulation snapshots. The basic dimensions of the file are:

nt Number of snapshots.
nx Number of x points
ny Number of y points.
nz Number of depth points.
nhydr Number of hydrogen levels.

While strictly 3D atmosphere files, 2D and 1D snapshots can also be used provided that one or both of nx and ny are equal to 1.

The atmosphere file can contain the following variables:

Name Dimensions Units Notes
B_x (nt, nx, ny, nz) T Magnetic field x component. Optional
B_y (nt, nx, ny, nz) T Magnetic field x component. Optional
B_z (nt, nx, ny, nz) T Magnetic field z component. Optional
electron_density (nt, nx, ny, nz) m-3 Optional.
hydrogen_populations (nt, nhydr, nx, ny, nz) m-3 nhydr must correspond to the number of levels in the hydrogen atom used. If nhydr=1, this variable should contain the total number of hydrogen atoms (in all levels), and LTE populations will be calculated.
snapshot_number (nt) None The snapshot number is an array of integers to identify each snapshot in the output files.
temperature (nt, nx, ny, nz) K  
velocity_z (nt, nx, ny, nz) m s-1 Vertical component of velocity.
z (nt, nz) m Height grid. Can be different for each snapshot, hence the nt dependence.

Any other variable in the file will not be used. In addition, the atmosphere file must have a global attribute called has_B. This attribute should be 1 when the magnetic field variables are present, and 0 otherwise. Also recommended, but optional, is a global attribute called description with a brief description of the atmosphere file (e.g. how and from they were generated).


Variables in the atmosphere files can be compressed (zlib or szip), but compression is not recommended for performance reasons.

As HDF5 files, the contents of the atmosphere files can be examined with the h5dump utility. To see a summary of what’s inside a given file, one can do:

h5dump -H atmosfile

Here is the output of the above for a sample file:

HDF5 "example.hdf5" {
GROUP "/" {
   ATTRIBUTE "boundary_bottom" {
   ATTRIBUTE "boundary_top" {
   ATTRIBUTE "description" {
         CSET H5T_CSET_UTF8;
         CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
   ATTRIBUTE "has_B" {
   ATTRIBUTE "nhydr" {
   ATTRIBUTE "nx" {
   ATTRIBUTE "ny" {
   ATTRIBUTE "nz" {
   DATASET "electron_density" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1, 512, 512, 425 ) / ( H5S_UNLIMITED, 512, 512, 425 ) }
   DATASET "hydrogen_populations" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1, 6, 512, 512, 425 ) / ( H5S_UNLIMITED, 6, 512, 512, 425 ) }
   DATASET "snapshot_number" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1 ) / ( 1 ) }
   DATASET "temperature" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1, 512, 512, 425 ) / ( H5S_UNLIMITED, 512, 512, 425 ) }
   DATASET "velocity_z" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1, 512, 512, 425 ) / ( H5S_UNLIMITED, 512, 512, 425 ) }
   DATASET "x" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 512 ) / ( 512 ) }
   DATASET "y" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 512 ) / ( 512 ) }
   DATASET "z" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1, 425 ) / ( H5S_UNLIMITED, 425 ) }

All the floating point variables can be either double or single precision.

3.4. Line lists and wavelength files

Other auxiliary files that can be used are line lists files and wavelength files.

The line list files are used to include additional lines not included in the different atoms. These lines will be treated in LTE. The line lists are specified in the kurucz.input file (one per line), and have the Kurucz line list format (link).

Just adding new transitions doesn’t mean that they will be included in the synthetic spectra. The extra lines will only be included in the existing wavelength grid, which depends on the active atoms used. The calculation of additional wavelengths can be forced by using a wavelength file. This file is specified in keyword.input using the keyword WAVETABLE. The format is a binary XDR file. Its contents are, in order: the number of new wavelengths (1 XDR int), vacuum wavelength values (XDR doubles).